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information about covid-19

Covid-19 in Nepal

situation of nepal 

The Government of Nepal announced on May 6 an extension to the nationwide lockdown until 2359 hours on May 18, 2020. Per the lockdown order all residents and visitors throughout Nepal are required to remain in their place of residence.  All movement on the roads, by vehicle and on foot, is currently prohibited with very limited life safety exceptions.  Nepali citizens are advised to shelter in place during this period.

Extension Extension of Flight Suspension:

 The government has suspended regular international and domestic flights until 2359 hours on May 31, 2020. If the Embassy becomes aware of flight availability, such information will be posted on the this website.

Nepal Immigration Suspension of Services: 

On April 26, the Immigration Department of Nepal announced that it would extend the suspension of all immigration services through May 7. The Department asked all visa holders to remain patient, regardless of their visa status and expiration. The Immigration Department will provide relevant guidance regarding late fees and penalties at an appropriate time

Type of covid-19:

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

Most risk of this people by covid-19

The virus that causes COVID-19 infects people of all ages. However, evidence to date suggests that two groups of people are at a higher risk of getting severe COVID-19 disease. These are older people (that is people over 60 years old); and those with underlying medical conditions (such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer). The risk of severe disease gradually increases with age starting from around 40 years. It's important that adults in this age range protect themselves and in turn protect others that may be more vulnerable.

WHO has issued advice for these two groups and for community support to ensure that they are protected from COVID-19 without being isolated, stigmatized, left in a position of increased vulnerability or unable to access basic provisions and social care.

 covid-19 and its effect on nepal

The persistent drumbeat of positive tests and reported deaths in other countries due to 
novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has created widespread concerns in Nepal also. Nepal 
is starting to suffer the most abrupt and widespread cessation of economic activity due 
to outbreak of this virus. As per the analysis by the Asian Development Bank, the 
outbreak of this deadly disease will hit almost every sector of the Nepali economy, 
shaving up to 0.13 per cent off the gross domestic product and rendering up to 15,880 
people jobless.
The impact has already started to surface in number of sectors like tourism, trade and 
production linkages, supply and health. Especially the entire service industries: 
tourism, aviation and hospitality sector have been hit hardly by the outbreak. With the 
launch of visit Nepal 2020 campaign in January, the country was in hope to attract 
two million visitors, but due the corona pandemic the campaign got cancelled which 
has shattered the hospitality and tourism related business sector. With this the tourist 
arrival rate has declined to below 10 percent, from 70 percent before the Covid-19 
outbreak. Tourism sector, being one of the largest industry has been contributing 8 
percent to Nepal’ s economy. Likewise, cancellation of all spring mountaineering 
expeditions, including Everest ascents, has resulted job loss of around 13,000 tour, 
trekking and mountain guides. The outbreak has affected people’s lives as well as 
private and public sectors. Banks are suffering in loss of their investments in 
hospitality and aviation due to the coronavirus tourist slump. Not only this, the impact 
has been also visible in the manufacturing industries. As most raw materials including 
pharmaceutical chemicals come from China, supply of these raw materials has 
decreased drastically.
Foreign employment has not only been addressing the Nepal ’s unemployment issues 
but has also been contributing significantly to the country’s economy in the form of 
remittance. The money that labour migrants sent back in 2019 contributed 26 percent 
to the country’s GDP. Increase rate of the virus has impacted remittance inflow and 
government revenue collection as majority of the destination countries attractive for 
the outbound workers have announced a lockdown while the import has also started to 
decline as of late. In the current situation, coronavirus’ effect on remittances is 
disastrous. In these two months the remittance source has been contributed less than 
1percent in country’s economy. The downturn in remittance has created severe impact 
on overall consumption in the country.
The wholesale and retail sector is the second largest contributor to the economy, after 
agriculture. The sector contributes 14.37 percent to the economy, which is already 
being affected by the drastic downfall in imports from China following the outbreak 
of the disease. While these are the prevailing state, looking ahead there is also a high 
risk of general inflation. In the situation of limited supply from China, Nepal may 
have to import from third countries, which results the products to become more 
The situation is alarming. Although we are yet to experience full impact and 
aftermath of the coronavirus, this worldwide threat has already created economic 
uncertainty among all of us. People are worried as still we don’t know much about 
this deadly virus and how deep and widespread the economic fallout will be.
Thank you!


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