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Benefits of Meditation

What is meditation?  Meditation is a relaxation.  It is not the concentration or concentration of one's thoughts on something, but it is a process of relaxation in itself.  By meditating, we can complete any of our tasks. 5 benefits of meditation   peaceful mind  Good concentration  Better clarity  Better communication  Brain and body rejuvenation and relaxation  Due to meditation, there are special changes in the internal activities of the body and every cell of the body is filled with Pranatattva (energy).  With the increase of spirituality in the body, the communication of happiness, peace and enthusiasm also increases. Health Benefits of meditation  Decreased hypertension, reduced lactate in the blood, reduced urination / distraction.  There is less pain in the body related to stress.  Relieves tension-induced headaches, wounds, insomnia, muscle and joint pains.  There is an overproduction of serotonin hormone that improves moo
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Meditation, yoga effect on human health and lifestyle

The Effect of Yoga on General Health Suffering from joint pain and disorders can make life miserable and uncomfortable for many people. Not to mention the constant taking of pain relievers and using hot and cold pads. Some areas that are most affected by joint pain include the knees, wrists, elbows, back, hips, shoulders and neck.  According to St. Joseph’s Hospital, Americans are nearly 100% likely to have an episode of knee pain at least once in their lifetime. However, people who include yoga in their fitness program may improve joint discomfort and their general health as well as lose weight. Yoga Styles The goal of yoga is unity of the body, mind and spirit with the focus on body posture, breathing and meditation. Several forms of yoga exist to meet the needs of varying lifestyles and personalities. Each yoga style emphasizes different positions and specific theories or beliefs. Some popular types are: Hatha Yoga – the basis of all styles that focuses on asanas or

Human health and covid-19(corona virus)

Human health and covid-19(corona virus)  Identifying people who have been infected with COVID-19 and reaching those they may have infected will require 100,000 additional workers in US cities and states, according to a $3.6 billion plan released April 10. “We need an army to do this,” says Anita Cicero, JD, deputy director of the Center for Health Security at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and a lead author of “A National Plan to Enable Comprehensive COVID-19 Case Finding and Contact Tracing in the U.S.” The plan was developed by the Center and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. Contact tracing involves identifying people who are infected and then finding their recent contacts who may have been exposed. The goal is to interrupt the disease’s chain of transmission. { Human health and covid-19(corona virus } A single person with COVID-19 can be expected to infect up to 2-3 people on average. This means, without other interventio

Human health

Human health and covid-19 Health Health is define as a state of complete mental and physical well being. A good health is real pleasure of life. It is also known as the ability to adjust physical, mental and social challenges through life. “health is wealth” is a famous saying which means health is everything. Being healthy means we are social, mental, physical and spiritual fit. If we are not healthy, wealth means nothing to us. Health is our real wealth. We can achieve everything if our health is well. Without health life is burden. Health is most important part of our life. Our happiness depends on our health condition. A healthy person can lead a happy and joyful life under all circumstances. Good health comes from knowing, the needs and requirement of the body. To maintain a good health we need to take proper care of our hygiene, do regular physical exercise , proper sleep, good thoughts and balanced diet etc. A good health provide us freedom from all the sickness an


STUDENT OPINION How Is the Coronavirus Outbreak Affecting Your life? The Times Opinion section is working on an article about how the coronavirus outbreak has disrupted the lives of high school students. To share your story, fill out this form. The coronavirus has changed how we work, play and learn: Schools are closing, sports leagues have been canceled, and many people have been asked to work from home. On March 16, the Trump administration released new guidelines to slow the spread of the coronavirus, including closing schools and avoiding groups of more than 10 people, discretionary travel, bars, restaurants and food courts. How are you dealing with these sudden and dramatic changes to how we live? Are you practicing social distancing — and are you even sure what that really means? In “Wondering About Social Distancing?” Apoorva Mandavilli explains the term and offers practical guidance from experts: What is social distancing?  Put simply, the idea is to m

information about covid-19

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